TTS Character Limit

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Re: TTS Character Limit

Post by Ernie » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:47 am

It's good to get an idea of what you are looking for, so sounds like 300 would work for you. I'll take this into consideration.

As for chopping off at word boundaries, I'm not convinced that this refinement is even worth the effort. I think you'll just have to wait for (1).

Re: TTS Character Limit

Post by Petr » Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:38 am


(1) it seems that for me it would be sufficient to double the limit :-)

(2) in the meantime, perhaps you could cut the sound at the end of one but last word and not in the middle of the last one :-)



Re: TTS Character Limit

Post by Ernie » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:56 am

I'm not sure what I will do yet. Sorry. I have this as a possible update in the near future, but just not sure when I'll get to this.

Re: TTS Character Limit

Post by Petr » Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:54 am

Hi Ernie! I would also like to see a higher limit, some of my cards are cut off while speaking...

Any chance to enhace the limit / make it user adjustable?

Re: TTS Character Limit

Post by Ernie » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:00 pm

Thanks for the feedback. I don't know what max limit I might raise it to... maybe 300. I don't know when this will happen either, as it may or may not make it in the next update or two. Sorry I can't be more specific here. 150 characters should work great for most people in most situations. After I get more usage and am ready to tackle this, I'll figure it all out then.

Re: TTS Character Limit

Post by jappy831 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:47 pm

I've been using the app for a few months now and I must say that it really helps me in my studies.

I restarted studying this week and noticed the addition of the TTS function. I think this is truly a great addition to the app, however my flashcards too long for the 150 characters limit. I also understand the reasons behind not wanting to increase the limit, but I simply wanted to mention that it would be very appreciated. Do you have an objective as to what would ultimately be the maximum number of characters?

Thank you!

Re: TTS Character Limit

Post by Ernie » Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:59 pm

Hi Zephyr,

I just submitted an update and decided not to increase this at this time. I think I want to give it a little more time after I try to get more people using my TTS feature. I've still got a note to look into this again for the following update. Sorry about that.


TTS Character Limit

Post by Zephyr » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:41 pm

Any more thoughts on increasing the TTS character limit of 150? Fully understanding the impact it may have on your server capacity, it seemed there was some support from other users for doing so.

As always, thanks for a quality product and timely feedback,


