Thanks for the recent update and a suggestion

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Re: Thanks for the recent update and a suggestion

Post by Ernie » Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:08 pm

Hey KrodeoN, it's been a while. Glad you found that new zoom feature useful. As for the using the same picture across cards, this is on my to-do list, but kind of a low priority as I don't think it would be a very common\popular feature. I don't know how to work with those copy\paste commands right now, but I want to do that for something else I'm doing so I be looking it that.

Thanks for the recent update and a suggestion

Post by KrodeoN » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:57 am

Hi Ernie,

The last time I posted on this forum was to let you know how FCD helped me tremendously with my GRE scores. That's been almost a year! I'm in graduate school now and still using FCD with my studies.
I wanted to thank you for the new update which now lets you zoom into both long text that's cut out and picture at the same time rather than separately as it used to prior to the update. It's been so helpful for me. Thanks a lot for implementing that feature.

I have one suggestion, tho. I use the camera to take pictures of muscles within the app and sometimes I must use the same picture for different sides of a card or different cards. Of course the workaround right now would be totake the picture outside the app and save it to camera roll and loading that picture to multiple sides/cards, but I thought it would make it easier to just copy and paste pictures/sounds taken/recorded using the app. I thought the iOS's built in copy/paste menu that pops up with a long press would be all that's needed for this to work on FCD.

What do you think? Would this be an easy implementation on your part?

Thanks always for your passion for making this app better every update!

Oh btw, the copy/paste menu disappearing seems to have been corrected or reduced. Thanks for that as well
