Text Editor 4 side cards

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Re: Text Editor 4 side cards

Post by Ernie » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:21 pm

Each side is separated by a tab. You also need a header row. So try:

Code: Select all
Text 1   Text 2  Text 3   Text 4
A         B         C         D

I used spaces above, but you should use tabs to separate, and then copy paste both rows into the website. The the space between "Side" and the number. If you don't get it to work, share with me your text or deck code. and I'll check it out.

Text Editor 4 side cards

Post by Raulboy » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:21 pm

I'm having trouble making 4-sided cards in text editor. How do you put the "Text 1" etc. header in?
