unicode font issue

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Re: unicode font issue

Post by Ernie » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:33 pm

No, sorry. Custom fonts, if the right format exists, need to be installed within the app that I submit to itunes. Installing a bunch of custom fonts would make the app too big in size, so it's just not practicle. I wish Apple allowed for dynamic downloads on a per-user basis, but they don't.

Re: unicode font issue

Post by David » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:36 pm

There is this font: http://www.xenotypetech.com/osxTaiLe.html that is compatible with Mac OS. Would that help in anyway?

Re: unicode font issue

Post by Ernie » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:14 am

I tried this with several different Apple fonts (including a chinese font) and nothing worked. Unfortunately, Apple just doesn't support this character set. I doubt that any other flashcard app would be able to show this either since they are limited to what Apple's fonts can show also. If this is the main reason for you getting this app, you might be able to get a refund by using the Report a Problem functionality within iTunes and explain that this doesn't show the characters you need. Sorry about that.

Re: unicode font issue

Post by David » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:22 am

Thanks. It is Tai Nua- a minority language of China. Here it is:
Baby ᥟᥥᥴ ᥘᥦᥒ
Boy ᥟᥥᥴ ᥙᥧᥴ ᥓᥣᥭᥰ (ᥟᥥᥴ ᥟᥩᥢᥱ)
Girl ᥟᥥᥴ ᥙᥧᥴ ᥕᥤᥒᥰ (ᥟᥥᥴ ᥟᥩᥢᥱ)


Re: unicode font issue

Post by Ernie » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:44 am

Some less common languages and characters do not show up because of limitations in Apple's fonts. How about paste some text here in the forum that isn't coming through correctly and I'll try it out myself. Let me know what language it is.

unicode font issue

Post by David » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:58 am

Hi, I am using an Asian Unicode font, but it seems not to work with Flashcards deluxe. It shows up as small square blocks. Any suggestions for making it work on your app?

