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Expand view Topic review: Scrolling

Re: Scrolling

Post by Guest » Mon May 30, 2011 9:38 pm

Ah, yes, that works great. Thank you!

Re: Scrolling

Post by Ernie » Mon May 30, 2011 6:13 pm


You should be able to view your pictures at full size. When studying, if the flashcard has shrunk your picture, touch and hold the picture and you'll enter "zoom mode" where you can scroll it around and pinch/zoom.



Post by George » Mon May 30, 2011 4:45 pm

I have a deck with math examples that I created in MathType and screen captured to .jpg files. Some of these examples get a little long. The version of Flashcards Delux that I'm using seems to size the jpg to fit my screen (iPod Touch) which is not very large. If the example I'm trying to view is lengthy, then the type gets so small that it is not readable. Is it possible to maintain the text size in my .jpg file and scroll to view it completely?

If scrolling is not possible, then I will need to keep my examples to a specific number of text lines in order to view them properly on my iPod Touch, but I just want to make sure I'm not over looking something.


