Upload to orangeorapple.com

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Re: Upload to orangeorapple.com

Post by Gary McOmber » Mon May 23, 2011 4:34 pm

I tried to download from home, and it worked fine. Thank you for your help.

Re: Upload to orangeorapple.com

Post by Ernie » Fri May 20, 2011 1:53 pm

It's most likely a internet/router problem on your end.
If you can, export your deck (of gibberish) by email by tapping Edit, the deck, Export and choose Export to "Email". You'll get a text file. Then email me or attach here that text file. I'd be interested in seeing it and it may have some error description that will help debug. My email address is et@orangeorapple.com


Upload to orangeorapple.com

Post by gmcomber » Fri May 20, 2011 1:47 pm

I apologize if this is a duplicate post.

Whenever I upload cards to the web site and try to download them to my phone, I get 242 cards of 'gibberish' instead of my content. I have run into this before and simply tried different names until one worked. I have tried about 30 different source deck codes today and continue to have the same results. I there a trick I need to know?

