Just using a picture

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Re: Just using a picture

Post by Ernie » Wed May 11, 2011 1:08 am

Are you trying to add a picture from with in the app? If so, I assume you found the card edit screen, which shows "Text 1-3" at the top, then near the bottom shows "Picture 1", "Picture 2", etc. Tap "Picture 2" and you should be able to add a picture to side 2.

From your description I can't tell exactly what your issue is, so I'm not sure my answer will help, but let me know if not.

I will be traveling later today, so I'm sorry if I can't respond again in a timely manner, but will do so when I can.

Just using a picture

Post by Notetaker » Tue May 10, 2011 8:28 pm

I'm trying to create a flashcard that only has a picture, I've inserted it but can't get it to edit side 2. How do I edit the second side?

