download private deck - utf-8 error?

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Re: download private deck - utf-8 error?

Post by Ernie » Tue May 10, 2011 9:34 am

My suggestion, use notepad.

"If I use the Editor (seems to be the same as Notepad), I can choose *.txt only. "
In notepad, there is a different dropdown for "Encoding" at the very bottom next to the Save button. If you don't see it, let me know.

Re: download private deck - utf-8 error?

Post by Orchid » Tue May 10, 2011 8:24 am

In Win7 I use the WordPad.
MS WordPad offers: RTF-Format, Office Open XML-Document, OpenDocument-Text, Textdocument, TextDocument-MS-Dos-Format, Unicode-TextDocument.
If I use the Editor (seems to be the same as Notepad), I can choose *.txt only. It seems that none of the above formats is suitable.
Any suggestion? Thanks.

Re: download private deck - utf-8 error?

Post by Ernie » Mon May 09, 2011 6:40 pm

When you save the text file, you need to save it as a UTF8 file. If you are using NotePad, look for the "Encoding" dropdown box at the bottom of the Save As dialog box. The default is "ASCII". Change this to UTF-8. If you are using another text editor and don't see this option, let me know what text editor you are using.

Re: download private deck - utf-8 error?

Post by Orchid » Mon May 09, 2011 1:10 pm

I have copied the content from an xls file to a txt file and try to import it into a private deck. As long as there are no Umlaute (ä, ü, ö) it will work well. If any Umlaut is in it, then I get the same error message utf-8 error. Is there a solution? Thanks.

Re: download private deck - utf-8 error?

Post by Ernie » Tue May 03, 2011 4:01 am

1) It sounds like you are entering a full URL for the deck code. Is this true?

2) Are you trying to download an Excel file? This app cannot read .xls files. You must save your text as a text (.txt) file. Normally what works is just copy-paste your data from Excel into a text file (Notepad/TextEdit - plain text) When saving the text, there is an option to save as UTF8 (instead of ASCII).

Let me know if the above info doesn't help. If not, you can email me your .txt file and the deck code you are using and I can see what the problem is.


download private deck - utf-8 error?

Post by question » Tue May 03, 2011 2:17 am

OS : Iphone 4 - 4.3.1 (Language : Korean)
Flashcards Deluxe Version : 2.7.1

(i can't speak english very well
please understand even if you can't understand me clearly)

When I download my xls file, The errer message pops up.
제 xls 파일을 다운로드할 때, 에러메시지가 뜹니다.

-Download Error : The text file could not be read. Did you save it in UTF-8 format?-

