Each deck with a radio button ...

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Re: Each deck with a radio button ...

Post by Grexie » Mon May 30, 2011 1:18 pm

Thank you very much for your reply! Kind regards ... Grexie

Re: Each deck with a radio button ...

Post by Ernie » Sun May 08, 2011 6:41 pm

Hi Grexie,

Multiple choice is not available yet, though I plan to add it.

As for signalling a deck as "done", two ideas that come to mind are 1) drag the deck to the bottom, so that done decks are at the bottom or 2) move done decks to a separate folder. Adding a check or star next to a deck is a new idea for me; I'll consider it, but it probably won't be a high priority.


Each deck with a radio button ...

Post by Grexie » Sun May 08, 2011 12:36 pm

Hello, I'm a fan of Flashcards Deluxe. It's really a fantastic app with plenty of options. I learn English vocabularies nearly every day with my "iPod Touch". I would like to use multiple choice answers too but I suppose that isn't possible at the moment, is it? Another point is that I have some folders and dozens of decks. It would be great to use a radio button or something like that (star, tick, cross) to tick "done" or "not done" next to the name of each deck. Then I would have more overview about my progress regardless of my special learning statistics in each deck. I hope that's clearly understandable and thank you for your mindfulness!

