directly from list page to browse display

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Re: directly from list page to browse display

Post by jandu » Mon May 02, 2011 12:24 am

fine. thanks.

Re: directly from list page to browse display

Post by Ernie » Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:44 pm

Hi Jandu,

Being able to view a flashcard from the card listing is on my to-do list. I've had others request this also. This feature won't make it into the next update, so not sure when it will happen.

When you unflag your card, the cards shown in the study screen won't update right away. They will get updated after you finish all the cards shown and get past the end. For example, if you are showing flagged only and have one card flagged, you'll see one card in the study set. If you unflag it, nothing changes, but if you swipe left and tap at the summary, you'll see a new screen saying that there are no cards to show anymore, since no cards are flagged anymore. Hopefully that makes sense.


directly from list page to browse display

Post by jandu » Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:13 am

hi ernie, your app is since I found it my number one. thank you once again for you effort and support.

I have some special decks where I am more often inside the list mode (not browsing and not examing) sometimes because of searching an entry (card). Then it would be nice if I could display that single card in browse mode. I did this for some months by only examining the flagged cards and flagging that card. But that's not really comfortable. By the way - I havent checked it out completely but the study mode did not always show the flagged cards when I wanted to do so.

If I have e.g. only one card flagged then only this one is shown. I unflag it directly from the pulldown menu in browse or examine mode - the flag icon has gone - the card is still here. I close the deck and open it again. The card is still unflagged (in the examine window without the flag icon and also when I edit the card then flag is unchecked). But the card is still shown for examining.

Can you follow my alien appearances-)?
