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Re: Clipboard

Post by Guest » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:25 am

Ok, that is fine for me.

Thanks for your effort!

Re: Clipboard

Post by Ernie » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:03 am

A user just notified me of this problem today. The font and alignment work as I think you'd expect. The color though is applied to side 1 = front, side 2 = back instead of what we probably want side 1= text 1 and side 2 = text 2.

This might solve all your problems. I'll get this fixed for the next update.

I'm not coming up with another solution with the way things work now.


Re: Clipboard

Post by MrPugh » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:22 pm

Hi Ernie!

Thanks for your suggestion; I tried that - but I run into problems:
If I set the font for side one to black, first everything seems to be fine; on side one the picture is shown, the text is hidden by being black and still the text is copied to the clipboard.
But when I switch to "Show Side First: Side 2", the text on the back side of the card - which is shown first now - is black; the text is visible on the back of the card together with the picture!

So - the font setting actually refers to the order of the cards as seen?

On combination decks I run into even more trouble - since the "Font/Alignment" setting is not available, I would have to set the font on all decks of the combination deck each by each...

Any suggestions?

In my opinion the "Font/Alignment" setting should be bound to the order of the card sides as in the file, not as seen...

Thank you!

Re: Clipboard

Post by Ernie » Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:27 am

How about setting the font color to the same as the background in order to "hide" the text? Go to Deck Options > Font / Alignment > Text Colors.


Post by MrPugh » Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:23 am


I am experimenting with using images instead of text to display one side of my flashcards - since I want to have a special text layout (in columns from right to left).

The problem is, that when using only an image, I can't use the copy-to-clipboard function - since there is no text to copy.

Is there a way to show an image and have some hidden text that is copied to the clipboard?

