clear stats, start anew

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Re: clear stats, start anew

Post by bklandrum » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:38 pm

Thank you. In fact, I like this app very much; it just takes a little patience to become able to handle all the options.

Re: clear stats, start anew

Post by Ernie » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:29 pm

Ok, glad you found your way back. Tapping at the top toggle's full-screen view on/off. If you are using one of the new themes, sometimes the back arrow is just not shown, but you can still tap it to get back. This can be confusing.

As far as resetting statistics, at the main Decks screen, tap "Edit", the deck, then "Clear Statistics". Turn ON the appropriate options then tap "Clear Statistics" to carry out the action.


Re: clear stats, start anew

Post by bklandrum » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:33 am

Now I see that tapping the upper left hand side gets me out of the loop. I still wonder how to clear the stats on a deck.

Re: clear stats, start anew

Post by bklandrum » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:49 am

To be more precise, in my iPad, when I tap the flashcard icon I get a screen that says "No cards to study. Update "cards to study" to include more groups." I do not see how to do this, or how to get to the main flashcard menu, or anything.

clear stats, start anew

Post by bklandrum » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:42 am

I am working with a deck, and would like to get out of it and start a new deck. It refuses, just goes on feeding 5 or 7 cards or whatever. How do I get out of the loop? Perhaps a related question: is there a way to clear all the learning stats on my deck and start anew? Perhaps a related issue is that I have been adding new cards to the deck on which I have been working. Any help would be appreciated!

