Can you make it *harder* to delete a deck?

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Re: Can you make it *harder* to delete a deck?

Post by doogooroo » Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:55 pm

A default option to confirm before deleting would be good.

As I said initially, I don't mind being able to delete individual cards quickly (without a confirmation) - in fact it's probably handier that way.

It's just that I'm worried I'm going to get butter fingers and suddenly a deck will disappear.

Thanks again for looking into this. Excited by the propsect of a DropBox sync option. It would superfab to have over the air syncing of everything. Bliss!

Best of luck.



Re: Can you make it *harder* to delete a deck?

Post by Ernie » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:17 pm

I hear you. I am trying to make it easier to back up by allowing to you export everyting to Dropbox.
I'm not sure the direction I want to take on this, but I will think about it. I probably should create an option that defaults to showing a confirmation before delete....

Can you make it *harder* to delete a deck?

Post by doogooroo » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:22 pm

Hi Ernie,

Can you make it *harder* to delete a deck?

At the moment all you need to do is swipe and press and, bang, your precious deck disappears forever with no hope of return. I hope I'll never do this accidentally but I can't be sure I won't someday.

One option might be to add a confirmation message, "Are you sure you want to delete the deck?" I know it's an extra step but I feel it would be worth it if it meant people didn't accidentally delete a deck.

Sure, you can back-up your cards, but the current system is a bit of a pain and quite onerous, particularly if you have sounds / images associated with a card.

In contrast, however, I feel it's fine to be able to easily delete individual cards as these come and go and, even if inadvertently deleted, are easily recreated.

My two cents.


