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Re: Uploading/Downloading

Post by Ernie » Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:31 pm

If you don't have any pictures or sounds, you can export by tapping "Edit" at the main screen, tap a deck, then "Export". Change "Export all decks" to ON and change "Export To" to "Email". Then export. You'll get an email with text files. Open one up, copy, and paste into word or Excel.

If you have media files, then you need to go a similar process, but export to "Server" one deck at a time. You will need have filled out a "deck code" on the prior deck edit screen. After exporting, you can then go to my website to download the media files to your PC:



Post by iriselpr » Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:34 pm

Hi! After I learned how to properly use this app, I absolutely LOVE it! Recently my computer crashed and nothing was saved. My flashcards remained safe in my ipad, BUT is it possible to download the cards back to my computer?

