Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

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Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by Ernie » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:46 am

Ok. This is on my to-do list. I suspect it's a few months away.

Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by Guest » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:33 pm

Echo this feature!
I want to be able to go to card view from the search list
and not directly into edit mode (this should be optional too)

sexyanimal99 wrote:Hi
One thing I would love it to do is after running a search on a given keyword,. ... be able to click on a card and Flashcard Deluxe would jump to this card in your entire cardset and allow you to view it for review (and not just jump into edit mode as it currently does).

Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by melodicjeff » Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:43 am

Good enough for now. This is still a big improvement over what I had been using. Thanks for the quick response.

Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by Ernie » Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:13 pm


Yes, the app resets the study session after adding new cards. This is done so that the new card can be included in the study list right away. You bring up a good point though, something I've never considered.

If you don't add any new cards, the app will do exactly what you want out of it.

So, as the app is now, it seems you can either 1) wait to add new cards until you've finished a deck and all repeat-missed rounds, or 2) add new cards to another deck. In this latter case, when you've finished up with your main deck and want to move cards over, open up the "temp" deck, go to card listing, tap "Mode", Multi-Select, Mode, Select All, Mode, Move, and select the main deck. I know either of these is not ideal, but I assume a workable solution.

As for future updates to the app, maybe what I'll do is add an option to delay a "refresh" until you finish going through your current set of cards.

Anyway, let me know if either the options I proposed would work for you for now.


Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by melodicjeff » Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:15 pm

I should be a little more specific. I had been using ordered mode. If I study my deck, answer the first two questions correctly, quit the program, and come back to it later. This is what I'd expected. But if I add a card to the deck and come back to study the deck, it starts me back at the first card, seemingly with no recollection that I'd already answered it correctly.

I've switched the deck's Card Order now to Short Term Goal, so now it's harder to tell if it has remembered whether I've answered the question correctly. I was hoping for a really simple option where I could just go through the cards in order, edit the cards and add to them periodically, have the program remember whether I've answered the questions correctly, and ask me first the ones that I haven't answered correctly. Is this possible?

Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by melodicjeff » Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:56 pm

Whenever I add new cards to a deck and then go back into study mode, it seems to forget all of my correct answers and start me off at zero correct. Needless to say, this is a problem for me, as I'd like to spend more time on the questions I'm forgetting rather than continually redoing the first questions every time I add a new card.

Please advise.

Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by rabbitoh » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:45 pm

Your answer is perfect and fast. I am happy to support your work! Thanks a lot, mate.


Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by Ernie » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:29 pm


Create a "combination deck" (tap + at main Deck screen) and include all your spanish decks. You can now search this combination deck like you would a normal deck, so you can search all decks at once.

If you've done this and in are viewing a card listing for one of your individual decks, you can view the combo deck by tapping "View", "Other Deck", and select the combo deck.


Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by rabbitoh » Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:07 pm

Hi Ernie, I echo that search suggestion. I have a substantial list of Spanish content within various decks.
I often, inadvertently, add the same verb or noun twice different decks.
I'd love to search through all decks for a word -- say, "conseguir" -- and see that it already exists before I add
it twice.

Cheers, and the app is wonderful.

Re: Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by Ernie » Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:57 pm

The app will jump to the new card. There is no way around this right now. The default is to view cards in alphabetical order. There is an option in the List menu to order by original "card order". If set to this, the new card will end up at the bottom. If card 50 is near the bottom, then this might help. I will make a note of this and consider a change for an update. It seems like a good idea to have this option at least.

Jumping to a specific card is on my to-do list. I'm not sure exactly what options I'll provide for this, or when exactly it will get done, but you gave me a good idea.


Adding new flash cards to a CardSet

Post by sexyanimal99 » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:49 pm


I first want to thank you for designing such an amazing flashcard program for the iPhone.

I have a question. Whenever I add new flash cards to an existing cardset, Flashcard Deluxe automatically jumps back to the first card. So for example, if I was reviewing card number 50 out of a cardset with 200 cards, the moment I had more cards to the cardset, the app automatically starts at the first card. This is slightly annoying because I'm forced to jump all the way to card 50 where I had left off. Is there a way to incorporate new cards while still maintaining the position of your last reviewed card?

My last question pertains to the search feature. I love this feature. One thing I would love it to do is after running a search on a given keyword, have the program display all cards that match that keyword, and then give the user the ability to start reviewing from that card. So for example, if you typed in a keyword causing 5 cards in your cardset that had this keyword, you would then be able to click on a card and Flashcard Deluxe would jump to this card in your entire cardset and allow you to view it for review (and not just jump into edit mode as it currently does). Better yet, it would be great if you could review all the cards that contained that specific keyword.

Thanks so much.

