problem with downloading mediain Iran

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Re: problem with downloading media in Iran

Post by Guest » Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:19 am

It's working. Thanks a million.

Re: problem with downloading mediain Iran

Post by Ernie » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:05 pm

I used dropbox to put the files on. I recommend you try doing that. It's just free web storage. I'm not sure if you will have problems uploading from Iran though. After you sign up, you can install their desktop client which is great, because it will create a special folder on your local hard drive and whatever you put there will be copied to the dropbox server automatically, and if you put it in their Public folder, it will be available for download from this app. You don't need to install the client though, you can use their website to upload files through. See the page below for more info.

In the upload page I have a "Media Dir ULR" box. Here you put your dropbox directory URL. You then don't upload pictures to my website.

Now the special trick for you... instead of using http://... as the URL, add an "s" and use "https://...". I have no idea why this makes things work sometimes in other countries.

Anyway, check this out and let me know if you have any questions or run across any problems.


Re: problem with downloading media in Iran

Post by sa » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:33 am

oh you are the best,
gre125 is working for me.
how do I do that?

no I dont have a mac , but if it is the only way I will install one.

tanx a million

Re: problem with downloading mediain Iran

Post by Ernie » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:04 am

That worked fine for me.

1) Try the following two deck codes:

(I put the sound files in my dropbox directory.)

2) Do you have a mac?

Re: problem with downloading media in Iran

Post by Guest » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:13 am

Tanx 4 ur consideration.
deck code: gre123
a deck containg only one card, both sides have audio. But there is no aduio on the card on my ipod!

Re: problem with downloading mediain Iran

Post by Ernie » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:20 am

If the text file downloads, I don't see why the media files wouldn't download.

I don't have a way to transfer using iTunes/USB. If you have your own webserver, you can put the files there. If you have a mac, it makes it pretty easy because you can turn on web sharing. We can try that if we get desperate...

I'd say next step would be... give me a deck code I can try out (that doesn't work for you) and let me try it on my end.

Re: problem with downloading media in Iran

Post by sa » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:54 pm

I don’t have any problem with downloading new private decks or adding cards to my previous decks, as long as the cards do not contain any media files.
But when the cards contain media, the app shows that they are being downloaded, but after the download process is completed there is no media on the cards.
(Some websites in Iran are blocked by government. And we use proxy servers or other ways to access those sites. Do you think that could be the reason I cannot download any media files?)

Is there a way I transfer the cards directly from my computer to ipod without using internet?
I also tried using safari to access, and I faced no problem.

Thanks for your help

Re: problem with downloading mediain Iran

Post by Ernie » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:11 am

I'm not sure. Forget media files for a moment. I assume you uploaded some text to my website and used the deck code to download from within the app when in Norway. When you do the exact same thing, do you get any cards? An error? Sometimes you'll get what appear to be blank cards, but really have some sort of server error message on them. Look for that. You also might try using Safari on your device and going to to see if you can get to my server ok.

Starting with a simple text-only document, can you give me more details on what you are experiencing?

problem with downloading mediain Iran

Post by sa » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:35 am

I purchased this app when I was in Norway, and it was doing perfect.
But now that I am in Iran I cannot download even a media file.
Any suggestions?

