New user. Great app! I'm working my way through its features and am probably getting on the edge of abusing it already.
Is there a way to have, within a
single side of a card, a second font displayed?
I'm studying for a technical certification (VCAP-DCA), have created flash cards containing computer command line commands and have my card sides structured as follows:
1. The question
2. The canonical command line answer
3. An actual command line example
Particularly on the third side I'd love to be able to have the word "Example:" on the first line in a non-mono-spaced font and the example itself on the subsequent line (in the mono-spaced Courier font).
For now, I'm using the per-side font control and it's OK, but...
In any event, thanks Ernie, for a wicked cool study aide!
New user. Great app! I'm working my way through its features and am probably getting on the edge of abusing it already. ;)
Is there a way to have, within a [i]single side[/i] of a card, a second font displayed?
I'm studying for a technical certification (VCAP-DCA), have created flash cards containing computer command line commands and have my card sides structured as follows:
1. The question
2. The canonical command line answer
3. An actual command line example
Particularly on the third side I'd love to be able to have the word "Example:" on the first line in a non-mono-spaced font and the example itself on the subsequent line (in the mono-spaced Courier font).
For now, I'm using the per-side font control and it's OK, but... :)
In any event, thanks Ernie, for a wicked cool study aide!