lite version

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Re: lite version

Post by Ernie » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:58 am


The lite version is my old 2.6 version, but it will show you what the app is like since not much has changed. The lite version will be updated in a couple weeks.

I haven't used Flashcards++ much, but it appears to be a similar app as mine. One main difference is how you answer cards... in Flashcards deluxe you can swipe to answer. In Flashcard++, I think you tap one of the numbers at the bottom to answer right/wrong.

Both apps have a lite version, so try them out!


lite version

Post by yung phuk » Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:51 am

Hi, Ernie!

I'm now choosing a flashcard app for my ipod touch 4. After a thorough study (you know, there are tons of similar apps in appstore) I now have 2 favourites: FlashCards++ and Flashcards Deluxe.
It would be great if you help me to pick the best one by answering a couple of questions:
[list=]When are you planning to update the lite version, so I could try it before buying the full one?
and, finally, which pros has your app over Flashcards Deluxe?))[/list]

I wish you good luck in your work!

