Wrong answers & alternate setting

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Re: Wrong answers & alternate setting

Post by Guest » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:08 am

Thanks for the quick response! And thank you for looking into fine-tuning the alternate setting. You are right that the default font works flawlessly - just being greedy, I guess!


Re: Wrong answers & alternate setting

Post by Ernie » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:10 am

Good point on Alternate. I think this makes sense and would be easy to do. I'll look into this for the next update.

As for Arabic, the default font should show Arabic just fine, so I don't think there is any need for a special Arabic-only font.

Wrong answers & alternate setting

Post by gmos » Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:49 am

Hi Ernie,

Congrats on Version 2.7, it looks great! I have a quick question - I enjoy using the "alternate" setting for flashcards, but it seems that, once I answer a question wrong, the next time the card appears I cannot get the same side of the card (ie, the one I was having problems memorizing). Is there any way to have the app not use the "alternate" setting when I get a card wrong, until I get it right? It would make more sense to me, too, to only go into an alternate mode once the user has had success in memorizing one side of the card, first.

Also, any plans on adding fonts (say, Arabic)? That would be awesome.

Many thanks for a great product,

