Jump to card number option in browse mode

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Re: Jump to card number option in browse mode

Post by yuvilio » Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:21 pm

Thanks for the category solution Ernie. That certainly sounds like another flexible route to go.

If you do decide to implement the jump feature, I think putting it just in Browse mode is fine since that's the mode where the user is in control of the flow. Other modes where special rules (like number of times answered correctly) are used don't lend themselves to any free jumping.

Thanks for the fast reply!


Re: Jump to card number option in browse mode

Post by Ernie » Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:10 pm

Hi Yuval,

Unless you are using the spaced repitition setting, closing the app and returning should take you back to the last card you were looking at. Some actions my restart it at 1, such as changing some settings or adding a new card, but if you aren't doing anything like this, I don't know why it's going back to card 1.

One option might be for you to assign categories in your source file (e.g. "1-10", "11-20") so you can kind of quickly select which cards to study in the "cards to study" section.

As for your request, it's one I get from time to time, but haven't implemented yet since I don't think it's too popular, but it's getting about time I do something I think. You bring up a very good point about the answer complication. If in browse mode, there is no complication and it should be easy to allow the user to jump to any card number. If not in browse mode it gets more tricky because my app expects each card to be answered in order, but I suppose I can add an "unanswered" response and act accordingly.

Maybe I can get something in for the update in a couple months, let me see what I think about this. For now, you might try the category solution so you can select groups of cards that way.


Jump to card number option in browse mode

Post by yuvilio » Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:34 am

My typical deck is 100 cards. I find during browsing that i'll get comfortable with the first 40 and want to start browsing from say card 41. Later on from card 61, etc. But when I close the app or switch decks, i'm pushed back to card 1 and have to swipe a lot to start from fresh territory. Would it make sense to add a browse-to-card or jump button in that middle box button in browse mode? that way i can always start from a point I need improvement on. Or would this undermine the other mechanisms the app has for quizing based on correct answers.

Great app! I write up a deck on a text editor and serve it to my phone wirelessly from a locally installed webserver. Very simple.

