by Saiph » Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:10 pm
Hi Ernie! Last night when I returned from break to study my flashcards, I discovered that the way the cards flip has CHANGED. Instead of a gentle, barely-noticeable card flip, there is now a very sharp, white-flashing flip that kind of makes me feel like I'm about to have an aneurysm. I poked around in all the settings I could find, and tried changing the "card speed" animations, to no avail, and tried out the "turn off animation," which results in just a very terse "pop" to the other side of the card. What happened to the lovely, gentle, beautiful card flip? Is it irretrievably lost? Can I get it back somehow?
Believe it or not, I generally don't go all wacky about minutiae -- but it amazes me how much this is affecting the quality of my flashcard experience, so I thought I'd bug you. Thanks for any help you can provide! If my description doesn't make any sense, I'll be happy to try to clarify.
Hi Ernie! Last night when I returned from break to study my flashcards, I discovered that the way the cards flip has CHANGED. Instead of a gentle, barely-noticeable card flip, there is now a very sharp, white-flashing flip that kind of makes me feel like I'm about to have an aneurysm. I poked around in all the settings I could find, and tried changing the "card speed" animations, to no avail, and tried out the "turn off animation," which results in just a very terse "pop" to the other side of the card. What happened to the lovely, gentle, beautiful card flip? Is it irretrievably lost? Can I get it back somehow?
Believe it or not, I generally don't go all wacky about minutiae -- but it amazes me how much this is affecting the quality of my flashcard experience, so I thought I'd bug you. Thanks for any help you can provide! If my description doesn't make any sense, I'll be happy to try to clarify.