Yikes! The card flips are all different -- help?

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Re: Yikes! The card flips are all different -- help?

Post by Ernie » Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:02 am

Ha ha, thanks for the marketing Saiph!

Re: Yikes! The card flips are all different -- help?

Post by Guest » Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:48 pm

Whoops, wait, I figured it out! And yes, it was embarrassingly simple -- just took me a few more minutes of poking-around to figure it out.
And when I got everything set right, the cards returned to their beautiful, non-aneurysmy flip mode. Bless you!

And thus I shall leave you in peace, at least until the next time I can't figure out something painfully simple, pausing only to reiterate: This is the best app EVER. I can't imagine life without it, and recommend it to virtually every student I can corner long enough to demonstrate (I think they think I'm working for you). Thank you so much for your excellent work and continuing support of this most superkittyfantastico app!


Re: Yikes! The card flips are all different -- help?

Post by Guest » Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:33 pm

Wow, you're fast! My card colors are definitely custom, but I think they're all the same color -- nonetheless, I'm about to try your suggestion. Deep breath. Wish me luck.
And I'm back. I switched it to the standard white-on-black, and behold the lovely, non-scary-flashy-flippiness. Joy!
BUT then I changed it back to my custom setting, and the white-flashy flip returned. Sad.
And THEN I noticed your note about making sure that all the background colors are the same, and realized that with the new updates there are now more card sides available, and some of them are still keyed to black-and-white.
So NOW I feel like rather a dunce for having to ask: How do I get the new side 4 and side 5 cards to match my custom color already established on sides 1-3? I don't think I can get it to match exactly using the color-bar sliders -- is there a way to make it automatic all the way across?


Re: Yikes! The card flips are all different -- help?

Post by Ernie » Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:16 pm

Hi Saiph,

Aneurysm?!? Ha.

I think it's the Card Colors setting. At the main screen, tap (i) in the top right to goto Global Options. The first option is Card Colors. You probably have it on "Custom". Change it back to one of the first two options. If you choose Custom, then just make sure all background colors are the same, and then the background won't flip.


Yikes! The card flips are all different -- help?

Post by Saiph » Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:10 pm

Hi Ernie! Last night when I returned from break to study my flashcards, I discovered that the way the cards flip has CHANGED. Instead of a gentle, barely-noticeable card flip, there is now a very sharp, white-flashing flip that kind of makes me feel like I'm about to have an aneurysm. I poked around in all the settings I could find, and tried changing the "card speed" animations, to no avail, and tried out the "turn off animation," which results in just a very terse "pop" to the other side of the card. What happened to the lovely, gentle, beautiful card flip? Is it irretrievably lost? Can I get it back somehow?

Believe it or not, I generally don't go all wacky about minutiae -- but it amazes me how much this is affecting the quality of my flashcard experience, so I thought I'd bug you. Thanks for any help you can provide! If my description doesn't make any sense, I'll be happy to try to clarify.
