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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Help!

Re: Help!

Post by Ernie » Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:09 pm

I just tried a test using a Word table, it it seemed to work fine. When you paste into my website, does it look like a tab (extra space) is created between your side 1 and side 2 text?

It might help if you email me your Word file so I can try it out myself. ( As you said, it worked before, so from what you've told me so far, I don't see any reason for it not to work any more.


Re: Help!

Post by Guest » Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:46 pm

No only one side is shown on the front

I'm using a table in microsoft word

I've been doing the same thing for all of my other cards so i don't understand why it isn't working

Re: Help!

Post by Ernie » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:59 pm

Hi Katie,

Do you get both sides shown on the front? If so, it seems you are missing a tab between the question and answer. The forum will remove tabs, so I can't really see what you did, but assuming you are using a text editor or word processor, the first like should look like someting like:

de-{tab}down, from

{tab} = hitting the tab key

This should work fine. If you have problems, it might help if you email me 1) the text file you are using to type your cards in and 2) the deck code you used to upload.



Post by Katie316 » Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:03 am

Everything works great, except that when I try to use the flashcards below, the back side is non-existant. Have attempted to upload it several times. Please help!

de- down, from
in- in, into
intro- within
re- back, again
se- apart, away from
ced-, cess- < L. go, yield
cur(r)-, curs- <L. run
duc-, duct- <L. lead
frang-, -fring-, fract- <L. break
lud-, lus- <L. play
mov-, mot- <L. move
sed-, -sid-, sess- <L. sit
ten-, -tin-, tent- <L. hold
tang-, -ting-, tact- <L. touch
vert-, vers- <L. turn
ab-, abs-, a- away from
ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- to, toward
com-, co-, col-con-, cor- together, with; completely
de- down, away from
ex-, e-, ef- out of, away from
extra-, extro- outside, beyond
in-, il-, im-, ir- in, into, on
in-, il-, im-, ir- (only with adjectives) not
intro- within
ob-, o-, obs-, oc-, of-, op- against
per-, pel- through; thoroughly, very
pre- before, in front of
re- back, again
se- apart, away from
sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sur-, sus- under
super- over
trans-, tra- across
(un-) (not)
-able (adjective)* <L. capable of being
-acious (adjective)* <L. characteristic of
-acity (noun)* state, quality, action
-ible (adjective)* capable of being
-ion (noun) state, quality, action
-y (noun)* state, quality, action
-ive (adjective) characteristic of
-ment (noun)* state, quality, action
-ory (adjective) characteristic of
-ure (noun) state, quality, action
(-ize, -iz-) * (forms verbs)
loqu-, locut- <L. speak
sequ-, secut- <L. follow
caps- <L. box
dign- <L. worthy
greg(i)- <L. herd, flock
invidi- <L. ill will
leg-, -lig-, lect- <L. choose; read
leg- <L. law
loc- <L. place
loqu-, locut- <L. talk
manu- <L. hand
odi- <L. hatred
oper- <L. work
prec- <L. prayer
reg-, -rig-, rect- <L. straighten; rule
reg- <L. king
sequ-, secut- <L. follow
und- <L. wave
vid-, vis- <L. see
visu- <L. sight
circum- around
dis-, dif-, di- apart (this prefix often forms a word meaning the opposite of the word to which it is attached: arm, disarm)
en- (French, from Latin in-) in, into
inter-, intel- between
pro- in front
pur- (French, from Latin pro-) in front
sur- (French from Latin super-) over
-itude (noun) state, condition
-men (noun) state, condition, action
-or (noun) someone or something (performing an action)
-ula, -ule, -ul- (noun) a little (something)

