Positive feedback

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Re: Positive feedback

Post by Camazine » Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:58 am

I also should say that people should understand that using this application to its fullest extent requires some effort on the part of the user in terms of knowing how (or learning how) to use text editors, Excel spreadsheets, etc. BUT for some of us, that is what makes this such a great application. With this program you have the option of simply downloading Quizlet decks OR spending hours making your own set of flashcards that works just the way you want it.

This program has made me wrack my brains for something I want to learn so I can make a nice set of flashcards to learn it!

Thanks again for a great app.

Re: Positive feedback

Post by Ernie » Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:12 pm


Thank you so much for you wonderful feedback! I really appreciate that. I liked hearing about how you used the app (bird sounds and pictures) and am happy you found the process pretty straightforward. Best of luck to you.


Positive feedback

Post by camazine » Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:05 pm

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy this app. I rarely post feedback, but this app really deserves it. One has the ability to simply use hundreds (thousands!) of flash card decks already online. But what really attracted me to this app was the ability to customize a set of flashcards just the way I want it. The way you have set up the website to be able to upload text, pictures and sound is wonderful and easy. The excel information file is nicely done and the instructions are easy to follow. I was eager to see how easy it would be to make a set of cards with text, sound and pictures. I had just purchased a bird song app at the iTunes store. It had all the songs and pictures, but it did not work the way I wanted it to work, in terms of quizzing me in a specific manner. So I just did it in Flashcards Deluxe. Once I had gathered the sounds and pictures, it was a snap to create the set. It was also very easy to edit it without having to upload all the media over again.

Thanks so much. :P

